Growing up we are trained to avoid the uncomfortable, the taboo, and the confrontational. Social Media rose up like a wild fire, and like ecstasy to suppressed emotions and opinions we began to blatantly express our every single thought and opinion out loud, screaming from the rooftops that “I am right, and you are wrong…so get over it” in a chaotic frenzy. Labeling and stereotyping has always been a problem, but when did we forget our identities are not in our our political stances, our incomes, the color of our skin, and our educational backgrounds? Can you really put such a complex, unique, chaotic, beautiful, and messed up thing like a human being into a box?
The thing is, life isn’t about politics. It isn’t about the designer of your clothes, the institution you received your degree from, or your GPA. By choosing to describe ourselves as this or that…are we signing away our rights to be individuals, and disguising this fear of not fitting in as confidence?. Have we forgotten that we were given the opportunity to vote based on our opinions, our hopes, and our dreams? When did we forget that as a 21st century individual, the majority of us are placed in a position to really make a difference?
Loving Jesus, and living out his teachings shouldn’t be about politics, it should be about furthering the Kingdom of GOD. Church and State may be separated, but as individuals created in the very image of GOD… how can we remove Him from our decisions? How can we put the complex properties of living for Christ into a box? We should be able to talk about GOD freely, and have the same respect given to us, as that that the world gives to other religions. I want to turn on the television and not see some ill portrayed aspects of the Christian Faith. I want to see GOD fearing characters in book and movies doing just that. When did we let Satan twist the beauty of GOD’s promises, in an attempt to hide GOD’s name from the world? Isn’t it time that I stopped doing that? Isn’t it time that I stopped listening to the fear, the insecurities, and the lies that eat away at my heart…and let the Creator of my heart protect it for me?
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
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Amen! Yes life is not about being a photographer, singer, actor, or whatever, its about being sold out to Jesus when we realize He has saved us from sin and death. This post was a breathe of fresh air!