You can’t have the peace of Jesus if you’re only giving pieces of yourself to Him. Because God is a gentleman, He never forces himself on anyone. He can only fill the spaces you give him. Sometimes, in our attempt to stay in control we hold on to things that aren’t good for us. If we really want to be drenched with the peace that comes from Jesus, we have to let go of this world and free fall into what Christ has for us. Jessica writes from her heart to yours today. Let her words sink in. The BEST is yet to come! xo AnnaFilly
Hey sweet girl – yes, you.
I see you.
Sweet, innocent, Church-going, Jesus-loving, perfect Christian girl. I’m writing this for you, because I’ve been you. You know that sin you’ve been holding onto? Yes, the junk you have been justifying and attempting to stuff in the closet for so very long? You can’t do that anymore.
You’re killing yourself and destroying your relationship with Jesus.
Stop trying to justify what is happening by comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that people’s opinions don’t actually matter unless they align with God’s word. It doesn’t matter what the media, friends, parents, churches, religions, etc., say… if it doesn’t match up with the Bible, then it doesn’t matter. God is super clear about sin in the Bible. He abhors sin and our sin hurts him. All sin is sin, and none of it is okay. The first step in overcoming sin is recognizing the Jesus feels about it.
Do you feel defeated? Like victory is completely impossible because you’ve tried over and over again and nothing is working? Are you feeling worthless and unlovable? Your relationship with Jesus feels Sahara dry… pretty much non-existent? Let me tell you something that has changed my life – there is hope! Victory IS possible.
The peace you’re craving is tangible.
I know this because I’ve seen it – I’ve lived it. Romans 5:8 says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died to give us life! He died for us knowing that we are sinners by nature and have and will always sin against him. He loves us with an unconditional kind of love. A love that doesn’t change based on things we do or don’t do. There is absolutely nothing that we can do to make God not love us. Period. End of story!
You never have to worry about God not loving you because that’s just not possible.
He sent His Son Jesus to DIE for you! You are chosen and redeemed and beautiful in His eyes. I don’t know why you struggle with this specific sin but God knows and is so much bigger than that. You can have victory in His name! God’s love should motivate us to be obedient. His unconditional love doesn’t give us a free check to do whatever we want because he will “still love us”. It pushes us be obedient and live in a way that pleases him – not because we have to, but because we want to.
Sweet girl, if you have a relationship with Jesus, the answer about your sin is very clear. It doesn’t mean the execution of the answer is easy… it’s actually a very hard and difficult road to walk. But there is one answer and one way that is going to bring you joy and hope in the midst of this trial. It’s following hard after Jesus and being obedient to His word. You are doing the right thing by investing in your time with Him and seeking the truth!
God’s word says that each day has enough trouble for itself. God holds the future – not us. Letting go of that “safety” and “comfort” of your sin is terrifying. It causes the future to be placed in HIS hands and not yours – and that’s hard. So here is what you need to do: Focus on daily placing yourself at the feet of Jesus and surrendering all to Him. Pray for help and wisdom and guidance from Him. You’ve got to habitually and faithfully pick up your cross – denying yourself, denying your own sinful desires – and exchange those for the glory and magnitude of His love. This sin is not yours to carry. Let it go – give it up. It seems easier to hold on tight and to stay in this place of comfort and familiarity – but that’s a lie straight from the pit of hell. God has the best in store for your life and Satan just wants to enslave you and rend you ineffective for the Kingdom. Don’t let him win… don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you stagnant. Be a vessel God can use!
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. // 2 Timothy 2:21-22
That sin that you’ve been holding with clenched fists? Let it go. Remove it. Yes, it’s difficult to cut out something that has entwined and tangled itself in the corners of your heart – but sometimes removal is necessary. Undergoing surgery to remove cancer is painful; it’s hard, it’s invasive, and the recovery is difficult. But it’s lifesaving. And I’m begging you sweet Daughter of the King – get rid of your sin. Our glorious and reigning God wants you to exchange the great weight of your sin for the magnitude of His love. He wants you back.
Won’t you come to Him?
– Jessica Lauren
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