What’s the point? Why is it relevant?
The bible is the LIVING WORD OF GOD. It’s full of life. It’s fluid, meaning that it interconnects in different ways and new revelation is always being given by the Holy Spirit. Somehow, after 2,000 years, we still don’t know everything about it. There’s always more life, more truth inside. Paul speaks about his great revelation. It came from knowing the word, and having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Those two factors allowed God to give him a huge revelation about the church…that it was not just for Jews, but for Gentiles as well, and that Jesus came to save the whole world. This was a new revelation. And you can see it in scripture, but it wasn’t made clear until God made it clear. This is amazing and exciting…it means that God will do this in your life as well! And once you get revelations like this about His word, it’s part of you for the rest of your life. This is where you connect with the mind of Christ, the heart of the Father, and truth of the Holy Spirit. It’s like the wardrobe into Narnia…open it and be amazed at what’s inside. A whole new world, something so much bigger than it should be, a place where fascination begins.
Finding time is all about priorities. If you are having trouble making time for this, then evaluate how you spend your days. It might seem like a time to relax to watch tv for an hour or two, or see what everyone has been up to on facebook, but the only way to truly recharge and find refreshment is by spending time in God’s presence. This experience should trump every earthly thing we fill our schedules with.
One very important thing to realize is this: you will never suddenly find yourself with the time for this. You HAVE to make it, to carve it out of your schedule. One biblical principle that stands the test of time is the idea of giving God your first-fruits. By making this your number one priority, you are giving God the best of your day, of your mind and heart, and sacrificing something beautiful to Him. He honors this, He blesses this.
It takes 6 weeks to form a new habit, and while that might seem like a daunting thing, think of it like a couch to 5k. Start of with 5 minutes a day. Spend the first 2-3 minutes telling God that you love Him, practice pouring out affection for Him, sing any worship songs that come to mind. Spend the last 2-3 minutes reading a passage. Pick one book to study, and go from there. This is for beginners.
Week One – Spend 2 minutes worshipping and 3-5 minutes reading scripture (try to do it right when you wake up), and journal what you learned
Week Two – Take 2 minutes to worship God (praise Him, telling Him how much you love Him, etc.), and 8 minutes studying scripture and journaling
Week Three – Spend about 3 minutes worshipping (by self or with one song), and 10 minutes studying scripture, then journal
Week Four – Spend 3 minutes worshipping, 2 minutes in stillness (listening), and 10 minutes studying scripture, then journal
Week Five – Spend 5 minutes worshipping, 3 minutes in stillness (listening), 10-15 minutes studying scripture, and journal as you go
Week Six – Spend 10 minutes worshipping, 5 minutes in stillness, listening, and 15-30 minutes studying scripture and journaling
For those that are ready to jump right in but just don’t quite know how, try it this way. The SOAP method is a tried and true strategy for studying scripture. It keeps things consistent, and helps you keep track of the truths you are learning, the things God is revealing, and the journey you are on. Journaling helps our minds process, and while the processing is happening, things are also sinking in a little deeper. It’s amazing to look back and see where you’ve been and how far you’ve come. Journaling is incredibly encouraging!
The Soap Method is pretty simple. It involves journaling through the entire study process. The biggest thing I would add is to pray before getting started as well, and to ask the Holy Spirit to be present and to journey through it with you. If you are unsure about anything you read, let scripture interpret scripture. Go to someone you know is wise and rooted in the word and ask them. Always remember that God never contradicts himself.
Pick out a scripture (I recommend going through John, Acts, or Romans first). Read a chapter or a section. Mark any verses, words, etc. that stand out.
Think on what you read. Re-read the marked parts. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what He’s trying to say. Ask Him how His character, how God the Father, and how Jesus are revealed in these verses. Write down your thoughts and His responses.
How do these verses and the truths revealed apply to your life? Journal it.
Ask God if there’s anything more to be revealed. Wait and listen to hear His response. Have a conversation with God about what you learned. Ask God to write these truths on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to apply these things to your life, and if there’s anything else you missed. Talk to Him, and give yourself times of waiting for answers as well. Journal your conversation and anything else God reveals to you. Thank Him for revelations, for taking you deeper, and for depositing things in your (things you may not even understand or acknowledge yet).
Come to this time with peace. Know that there is no condemnation in the Kingdom of God. He IS love, and if there are any reasons you feel guilty, ashamed, fearful, anxious, or angry, search out the root. If you don’t know what it is, ask the Holy Spirit to show you, and wait for Him to show you. Tell Jesus about the things on your heart. Once you get started, you may be surprised at the tenderness you feel and the ease that the words come.
Jesus refers to time with Father God as the secret place, and He does so for a reason. It implies intimacy, a place where you can let it all out and not worry about what someone might think. Jesus modeled this intimacy, and that means it’s something we can have as well.
See, God knows everything already, but when you share your heart with him, it stirs up his heart for you. It pleases him. Just like it pleases us when someone we love chooses to open up to us. It causes God to feel pleasure, tenderness, love, and it initiates something in your own heart. It keeps your heart fresh, the soil of your heart churned and ready for more of whatever God has for you. It’s in this place that you are prepared to walk in the outrageous and awesome things that God is making ready right now. It’s here that you learn how to truly worship, communicate, to love.
Studying scripture is a process. Every single time you come to spend time with God, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things to you. He is referred to multiple times in the New Testament as the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Revelation. This is part of His job description, and one He takes joy in. It’s one of the ways God loves on us. He knows that a life lived waiting for the end does not equal the fullness of joy, and He also knows that
If you are interested in more, check out Jane Johnson’s amazing resources on studying scripture.
http://blueletterbible.com (can study the roots of words, the Hebrew or Greek, and to see where else those things show up…if you want to do a word study, this is an amazing resource to start with!)
http://biblegateway.com (great online bible tool)
http://studylight.com (another study resource)
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