If you’re reading this blog chances are you have a creative personality, profession, or are in some way connected to the creative world. Which means you probably know that creativity doesn’t always come in an unlimited supply. There are some days where creative inspiration flows like the Niagara Falls and other days where it flows like a slow drippy faucet. If even that much.
If you happen to be in the ‘drippy faucet’ phase, try one or more of these ideas to get your juices flowing again! (or do them just because they’re fun :) )
1. Listen to music. Maybe even ask friends what their favorites are or search for a genre different than your norm.
2. Read blog posts that inspire and challenge you.
3. Visit a new place – even if it’s just a new local restaurant or store!
4. Meet new people. Have you ever started a conversation with a stranger in a coffee shop? You never know what inspiration may come from it!
5. Try something new. Take a knitting class or join an exercise group or anything else, big or small, that you’ve never done before. Even if you fail miserably at first, you still tried and it means you stretched yourself farther than you had ever been before!
6. Get out of the house. Fresh air is a beautiful thing.
7. Spend time in nature. I love water. Sitting at the beach for a few hours is one way I love to recharge. If you don’t have a beach, go to a park, sit by a river…hug a tree. Anything that gets you in touch with God’s beautiful creation.
8. Read books.
9. Color. Crayons and coloring books aren’t just for kiddos!
10. Play with legos.
11. Spend time playing with a child. Their imaginations are incredible.
12. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Busyness is often creativity’s worst enemy!
13. Do something you love.
14. Spend time with other creative people. It’s contagious.
15. Create an inspiration file or boards on Pinterest. When you are stuck in a creative rut, go to your inspiration boards and pick an idea to develop.
16. Browse Pinterest. You’ll be cooking up a crafty crayon inspired pallet chocolate chip vintage lace themed banana muffin cake in no time. All while learning how to wear a scarf 100 different ways and do cool eye makeup.
17. Pick up a dictionary, open it to a random page, close your eyes and point. Whatever word you land on is your new writing topic. Challenge yourself to write a random story about the word. It doesn’t have to make sense. Just write whatever comes to mind!
18. Doodle.
19. Take a bath. (Yes this is Erin writing…shocker. Actually what’s shocking is that it’s all the way down here at number 19!) I suppose a nice hot shower could give you the same results but it’s still not as much fun as a bubble bath! (The point is that it’s a time to relax and let your mind wander a bit ;) )
20. Instead of typing on a computer or electronic device, actually write on paper. Use multicolored pens. Draw words using random letter styles/’fonts’. Don’t stay within the lines.
21. Revisit a previous creative project. What could you do differently? How could you expand on what you’ve already done?
22. Stand on your head. Literally. Sometimes just getting a different perspective on life can make a huge difference!
23. Take a different route on your way to work/school/etc.
24. Go for a walk or run. Get your blood pumping to wake up your brain!
25. Saved the best and most important for last: Spend time with God. He is the ultimate creator. He has the ability to give us fresh vision and inspiration for any situation!
What are YOUR favorite ways to stay creatively inspired? Share them in the comment section below!
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I definitely agree that I am inspired to do what God has before me most when I spend time with Him in His Word or alone with Him. Also music really inspires me probably because I am a poetess of sorts and words are very powerful. I love music with words when I am down and want to be lifted up. If I am down also Gods Word lifts me up too. I agree spending time with other creative people is also inspiring for me. Yesterday I got to meet one of the other delight girls, which was inspiring. :) Also I do a Bible study with my sister and two other friends once a week and that definitely inspires me to continue to do all to the glory of God especially creative things such as writing music, sewing, decorating, or crocheting or something. :)
We love all of these inspirations, Rebecca! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!