“We will endeavor to love others at all times.
We will seek Jesus and His kingdom and let our hearts be filled with more of Him everyday.
We will LIVE in freedom and redemption as chosen and loved women.
We will rejoice in hope, seek joy, and celebrate grace.
We will wake with open hands and learn to wear our hearts proudly, to tell our stories with laughter and weeping and song.
We will be seekers, sojourning souls walking narrow and long roads leading Home.
We will be ready with a waiting ear, outstretched arms, and prayerful hearts.
We will let the brokenness in us and our stories be made into something meaningful and beautiful in His hands.
We will be generous with our gifts, possessions, and hope; we will be extravagant in our whimsy and wonder.
We will take all that He’s given us and run with it, living a life of abundant grace, relentless love,
and purposeful gratefulness in pursuit of the King of Kings!”
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