How did life get so crazy and so confusing all at once!? How am I supposed to be faithful when everything seems so out of control!? What does it even mean to be faithful!?
These are questions I have been thinking over the past few days and honestly I am not sure that I have answers to all of them! I am the type of person that is always looking to the “next thing” or trying to figure out what the “next thing” will be or I’m making lists about all of the things that I think need to be done. I make myself think that once the “next thing” happens everything will calm down, or once I check everything off my list I will have time to be still. But there is always a “next thing” and always more stuff on my list that I think should be done. Somehow in all the lists and planning I miss out on what is happening around me right here and right now.
As I was praying about what it means to be faithful I was very strongly convicted that being faithful has a lot to do with being present where I am…not being consumed with where I am going to be, what I “should” be doing, what I could be doing, what everyone else is doing, but being fully engaged in what is going on around me at that very moment!
This however is not an excuse to not plan and not get things done, instead it means that I need to be more aware of the time that I have been given and use it wisely so that I don’t need to be stressing out all the time and not at peace. Faithfulness looks different in each situation, sometimes it looks like doing the dishes, reading a bedtime story to your sibling, having a quiet time with the Lord, shooting a wedding, not being on facebook so you can be present with your friends and family, working hard at the job you’ve been given or even sleeping so you will be more productive in the morning! I have found that being faithful doesn’t always look like the best, smartest, most impressive option and sometimes it is down right hard and it hurts! Being faithful to what God has called me to might not be exactly what I have planned in my grand lists of life, but it is ultimately the most rewarding thing I can do.
I hope these ramblings on faithfulness have been an encouragement to you! What has God called you to be faithful in this week? Right now I need to go be faithful in folding my laundry!
With much love, Kristina
(To read other ramblings of faithfulness by Kristina click HERE)
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