In preparation for this particular post, I asked a few people what their idea of peace is. My mom actually gave me my favorite response,
“Well, it’s kind of like being in a boat with a storm all around. Your faith gives you peace to know that no matter what happens, God is in control.”
My wise, wonderful mother. But just being real, I don’t always have that kind of faith.
After my pastor’s Sunday morning sermon, I typically leave church feeling completely restored. Just feeling on fire for Christ and ready to kick the devil’s behind, you know?! But by Monday afternoon, that familiar doubt has already crept its way back in. The car breaks down. Taxes are due. Deadlines have to be met. My pride gets bruised. My heart is broken.
And once again, I’m doubting His faithfulness.
You see, I’m always battling and doubting. Doubting and battling. Doubting that God will be true to His promises. Battling the voice inside that tells me, “You’ll never be able to do it.” I find myself constantly looking towards the future, “I’ll be happy when we have enough for the house down payment. I’ll be happy when I have a new car. I’ll be happy when I’m down five pounds. I’ll be happy when it’s wedding season. I’ll be happy when I get all these wedding done.” The only problem with this is that there is always something else to be desired. Something else right around the corner, just out of my reach.
In our humanness, we crave these worldly things. And can you blame us? It’s all we know! All the human race has ever known since the Garden of Eden, on that fateful day that Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. And if that doesn’t say it all! Adam and Eve were in the most perfect world imaginable, a world even outside of our scope of comprehension. A world filled with love and peace, lacking in hate and shame. Yet, still, Eve desired more and wrestled with that desire.
In this pursuit of worldly things, we find ourselves robbed of an essential peace. Always wanting and never be truly content with where we are. I frequently make it extra hard on myself, as I constantly desire to stay in control of the situation at all times (I won’t lie – bit of a control freak over here). I have always had a very difficult time fully handing things over to anyone, including God, in fear that it just won’t get done. I mean, who can get what I want done better than me? (amiright?!) On many occasions, in my fret and worry, my husband has gently reminded me, “God already has this handled, Courtney.” And always, always, always, I agree with him.
And then continue worrying how it will get it done. My thought process is usually something like, I’m supposed to sit idly back and just hope God gets it done for me?
I think this is the thing that hinders most of us from fully trusting! The truth is, real peace can’t be found in good intentions to hand it up to the Lord. It can’t be found in prayers for help, and then continuing with our worry and doubt. It can only be found only be found in one thing and one place –
True, real, raw, and whole surrender.
And it’s as simple as that. A relationship with our Savior in which we completely give up control and hand over our lives, worries, fears, and doubts to Him, and trust that He’s got it handled! This doesn’t mean that we get a free pass and don’t have to do our part. This doesn’t mean that we sit and wait around for God to work His magic. What it means is that, with our full efforts and all of our faith in Him, we wholly trust that He will take care of us. In John 16:33, Jesus reminds us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Man, how convicting. How silly that we worry at all. That we still doubt, even when we know that the Creator of the universe is on our side. I’m reminded of “Safe” by Phil Wickham:
“The hands that hold the world are holding your heart.
This is the promise He made, He will be with you always.
When everything is falling apart, you will be safe in His arms.”
The God that created this universe is taking care of you and me as we speak. I don’t know about you ladies, but that’s peace to me. And that gives me faith that when I wholly surrender to him, despite some turbulent waters, my boat will always make it ashore.
(thanks for the boat reference, mom) ;)
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