{Be Loved} An Imperfect Word on Perfectionism

  1. marcia says:

    I can’t tell you how much this spoke to my heart. This is a beautiful reminder that I don’t need to be stuck in my (or anyone else’s) expectations- I am free in Christ. And only through Him will I be able to be victorious.
    thank you so much for this! xx.

  2. Cortney says:

    Thank you for this encouragement today! “We are not called to be perfect. That’s the truth” requires a little bit of discussion in light of Matthew 5:48 which so clearly states “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

    Whether the verse from Jesus’ sermon on the mount applies strictly to its context of loving without limits, or is referring to goal-setting, Christ HAS called us to be perfect. Though all have sinned and all have fallen short of the glory of God, and there is no one righteous except Christ, we are still called to live like Christ. The difference is holding yourself to God’s standard of perfection (without sin) as opposed to the world’s standard of perfection (performance).

    We should desire God’s will so much that we want to live to His standard of holiness. It’s a heart-issue. We have been gifted with the Spirit for this reason, to be our helper. Biblical Perfection does not mean worldly accomplishments that consume us. And yes, our failures can so greatly be used to advance the Kingdom — as you so well pointed out!

  3. Kerri… we are so meant to be friends. I feel like we keep saying that to each other, but we are such kindred spirits, my friend. I struggled with the same things concerning perfection and the weight of it. I was the “good girl” with the 4.0 and all these people had expectations of me and my performances/grades/life. Sometimes it was suffocating. But God began to show me that any perfection in me comes from Christ… that I could rest in Him and let Him work in/through me.

    “I’m most effective in my calling when I’m not perfect.”

    I am SO thankful that His power is made perfect in weakness… and that His Spirit is at work in me- even now! – to mold me into someone more like Him.

    Love you, sweets! xoxo

  4. Ilyse says:

    Kerri, Thank you for writing this beautiful post. Perfectionism is a life-long struggle for me as well. How conflicting it is to feel like you need to be the “reliable one” all the time…the one that will complete a task “perfectly,” but also be drowning in that need. Perfectionism feels like it sits in your bones- moving you forward but pulling you down with every step. Your words truly spoke to me. You’re right, God did not mean for us to be perfect and He has given us so much more in life than test scores and neatly organized shelves. Thank you for this. It was inspiring to read about how you are overcoming perfectionism- it gives me hope that I can do the same. <3

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