{Be Real} Giving it All

  1. I so agree with you! I love how you said that it isn’t about the glamour–it’s about the heart. Yes, we all make it look like we’re glamorous and have everything put together and have these wonderful and perfect lives, but it’s so overwhelming! But when we focus on how GOD sees us, not how we want US to see us, there is so much freedom!
    Love the post!
    Rebecca from Life as a Dare

    • kerri says:

      Thank you so much Rebecca!! It’s funny, we do focus so much on the outside and how things look, when it comes down to it. And yes, the Lord always leads us into freedom when we live for him from our deepest heart! Love your work too – keep on writing girl!

  2. grace k. says:

    kerri, thank you for sharing this! i feel so refreshed, inspired and encouraged after reading it! exactly what i needed to hear today.

    • kerri says:

      Oh Grace! I’m so happy to hear that. The Lord is so good! I didn’t know what I had to give when I wrote that day and I’m so blessed he used it in your heart. Keep being faithful girl! xo

  3. Meghan says:

    Dear friend you have no idea how much I needed this today! Another photographer who understands the weariness and the exhaustion that we sometimes feel with this job! This was such a huge encouragement to me! Thank you for sharing your heart!

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