Last November as the leadership team gathered at the Delight House to pray and brainstorm together for the future of Delight, we knew that the dreaded word “fundraiser” was going to have to be a topic of discussion. I love Delight & Be! I LOVE the girls so much! I love the precious little Delight House! I LOVE everything about Delight except the fact that we have to deal with the financial aspect of it all. . .the money and the taxes and the paperwork! YUCK! Not my thing at all! But it is vital & necessary for Delight to flourish and grow!
So I am not a big fan of year-end fundraisers personally. I actually want to throw up when I turn on the TV and see “evangelists” asking for money. . .just being real here! I personally don’t like giving unless I know exactly where my money is going. We all work hard for the money we have, so it is a responsibility that God has given us to be wise with it. It isn’t something to be taken lightly. That is why I have had a difficult time asking people to give when they don’t have an understanding about Delight and what it is all about. I am always open and willing to share more about Delight, so please email me at if you have any questions. You can also go to the search bar here on the blog and type in {Be Delighted} and it will take you to article after article about what Delight is, what events we’ve had and what the Delight House! And very soon. . .we will have a beautiful new website with all the details!
So–back to the fundraising. . . I had a pit in my stomach the whole entire time we were talking about it until our awesome leader, Annalee said “I have an awesome idea!” Let’s figure out how much the monthly cost is to run the Delight House. So we calculated up all the expenses (rent, water, electrical, property taxes, insurance, supplies, repairs, etc.) and it came to approximately $2000 a month. She asked how many people it would take if everyone committed to giving $25.00 month? Because that is reasonable & a doable amount! It was EIGHTY people! That is where Project 8025 was born! If we have 80 people commit to giving $25 a month, all the bills will be paid & what is left over each month will go to a scholarship fund to send girls to retreats, workshops and intensives. So when you get on the link here to give, you can either put in a one time gift or commit to monthly giving. You can also say which fund you’d like it to go towards. . . the Delight House or a scholarship fund!
This is something that I am excited about personally. It is something I wholeheartedly support and am doing myself! You have no idea how life-changing this precious home has already been and how many hearts already have been radically impacted. From photography workshops to becoming a more intentional wife to learning to live in freedom. . . there is something so special about this little house. But we need help sustaining it & can’t continue to personally fund this home. We need your support & prayers! Will you please join me in committing to give $25 a month to Delight & Be?
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Designed by Alyssa Joy & Co.
[…] have an opportunity where you can easily join us! It is called Project 80/25. We figured out that if we have 80 people donate $25 a month (or a $300 one time yearly donation), […]