As I sat on the park bench, I just wanted to concentrate on my son’s soccer practice, and give him my complete attention. It really is what I try to do every practice, but then life just starts racing in my mind… I want to answer messages, work on business plans, catch up on social media… and next thing I know I am there, but not present. Thursday night was no different, as I sat on the park bench and watched him concentrate on his drills, my mind started shifting. I looked up and noticed, that because of daylight savings time change, we were now in the middle of sunset. The twilight sky was right there next to me, and it reminded me how much I dislike this time of the day, in which it is neither day or night… and in that in-between, I get really uncomfortable.
The coach’s loud voice brought my attention back to my son, but only for a few more minutes until my phone went off and “how was today’s interview?” came up on the screen. I could not answer that question. My mind started shifting again, and thinking about the many questions about my life, specifically career and business wise, that I cannot answer right now. Twilight not only happened to be the time of the day, but it also happens to be the current season of my business life… and in this in-between, I get really uncomfortable.
At twilight the most beautiful skies can be witnessed. The light meets the dark and magic happens. Snaps of a multi-color shaded sky are taken, shared and wooed at all over the world. We rush to take in those flickering moments, to capture the beauty in-between, because it is always all gone too quickly to give way to the starry night.
The sky is quickly and beautifully transforming during twilight, and so am I during this “in-between” season of life. And it is a time full of beauty and rather flickering moments, and I must slow down to be able to take them in. Sit in a park bench and pay close attention to what is developing right in front of me. My stars are on the other side of light, they are always there, they might not be visible but they are not going anywhere… and in God’s time, the will shine.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
What is your “in-between” currently? I would love to hear your story and remind you that your stars are there, even if you can’t see them, God gave them your name. Let’s wait on God together. Let’s allow the in-between be of nourishment to our souls and just like sweet Anna suggests, let’s share our hearts over some mac and cheese.
With this recipe, you can now enjoy mac and cheese guiltlessly. This version is neither a fatty rendition, nor does it come from a box, nor is it completely bland and lacking of taste. It actually encompasses much of what I believe balanced eating should be.
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Designed by Alyssa Joy & Co.
Right now, I’m in college, and everyone is asking me what I plan on doing with my accounting major. I don’t have a solid plan. I’m in between high school and the “real, grown-up” world, but I don’t have a plan on how I will enter this new world. I like to be able to plan ahead and know exactly what is going to happen, but right now I have no idea.
Oh I hear you! I am a planner too… However, really trusting that my God has bigger and better plans has definitely allowed me to walk the path He has set for me and witness His amazing glory… Do not hesitate to ask Him even for career advise, I am sure He will direct you in guys your mind never even thought possible ;)
butternut squash is one of my favorite foods, so I just have to make this! so yummy.
and thank you for this reminder! it was much needed.
Yay girly! I am sure you’ll enjoy this then… Sure thing, we are always in need of reminders and in need of HIM ;)
Stuck in the process of choosing a college is very much twilight to me. It’s such a hard time for someone who likes to have everything planned and laid out to the T. I definitely needed to hear this and be reminded that God will reveal what He wants for me when the time is right . . . so, thank you!
Oh, and I am currently in the process of making this mac&cheese! I can’t wait to try it!