There is not to many other things that I love more than Nashville and wedding dresses so if you’re like me this session will seriously make you pumped! I would tell you more about this session but I can’t wait for you to hear all about it from the photographer herself, my darling friend Moriah!
Name/business name: Moriah Sutton/ Moriah Elisabeth Photography
Something short and sweet about you: Im a 20 year old photographer who swoons over elopements on mountain tops, and captured moments that make your soul feel something. I’m a total nomad, and my heart longs to travel to new places, and to meet new people. And therefore, you can probably either find me in airports, laying on the beach, crying over how great Bob Goff is, or singing too loudly.
About this session: This session was so much fun to put together! See, I had been following Janelle on Instagram for a while. I mean, we both share the same last name, and she’s the cutest ever, so how could I not? ;) And back when I was visiting Nashville, I was dying to do a shoot. So I shot her a message to see if she’d wanna put back on her stunning wedding dress and model for me, and much to my surprise, she agreed! And honestly, that alone is one of my favorite things about being a photographer. Its the ability to connect with other creatives. To collaborate and work together to make something beautiful. So often in our industry, people will tear you down, and make you feel inferior, just because you may not do things the way that they do. But then you have times where you meet fellow Jesus-loving, talented photographers over Instagram, and you realize thats exactly what the photography community should look like.
Did this session challenge you? Hm, I wouldn’t necessarily say that it challenged me, but more so didn’t go as planned. I had a vision of shooting on top of a parking garage, and to our surprise, when we showed up, the door to get to the top was locked, which had us shooting inside and around buildings, which totally worked! And even through it didn’t go as planned, she rocked every minute of it!
What gear was used: Nikon D700 +35mm 1.4
Why photography: Because it allows me to be apart of something so much bigger than myself. Its an outlet to not only capture moments, but to capture the moments that connect with others. And not only that, but to build and form relationships along the way.
How does your relationship with Jesus affect your work? In one way that it affects my work, is in the fact that from growing a business and a following, I have a place where I can encourage others. Bob Goff said it perfectly when he said that we have to see who people are becoming, and then call that out in them. And with photography and being involved in the community with other creatives, and also with being blessed by people who follow along on this jounry with me, I see it as a wonderful opportunity to see who they’re becoming, and to call that out in them.
Flower crown by: Kelly Ross
Model: Janelle Sutton:
If you or someone you know would like to submit some AWESOME work, shoot us an email!
Elizabeth Lauren
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Oh my goodness, these are absolutely STUNNING. Moriah, you are amazing!!